Keep Developing Yourself

Always stay inspired, keep coding, live a balanced life

About Me

I am currently the Principal Frontend Developer @ Pixafy LLC. I solve client issues using React, Redux, Node, GraphQL, and SASS. I really enjoy what I do and love to learn new things every day. But what I enjoy most is working with passionate teams and helping teach, inspire, and learn from other devs. Currently I really love working with GatsbyJS in combination with Netlify or Wordpress for content.

Welcome to my WebDev Portfolio

Coding is the never ending rubik cube, and it gets more fun the more you learn and grow. These are some of my social accounts, feel free to follow me if you like what you see. The banner image was taken at Dullboy Jersey City and is one of my favorite bars/restaurants. This site was build using Gatsby + Netlify. JAMStack is the best!

Github: Individual
Github: Company

Twitter: zairon87

Instagram: zairon87

Linken IN: patrick-coleman

CodeSandbox: pcole0083

CodePen: pcole0083